Make Custom Clove Perfume


Scroll down to select your second Base Note

You’ve chosen Clove for your first base note.  This earthy and spicy scent is quite unique and immediately recognizable.  As a spice it has a bit of a dark seed.  Great for creating a bit of mystery in a scent.  We’ve had exceptional success blending clove with Basil, Cinnamon, Sage, Lavender, Spearmint, Rose, Rosemary, and any Citrus.

Clove Perfume

To simplify your perfume making experience we have divided our gallery of scents into the 3 categories of traditional perfumery.  There are Base Notes, Mid Notes, and Top Notes.  Each of these evaporates at a different rate, and choosing a variety of each will help you create a well balanced olfactory bouquet.